This is a UNIQUE 35mm Full-Frame Anamorphic Lens from Sirui

The Sirui 35mm 1.6x anamorphic lens for full-frame cameras is truly a unique lens because it solves a huge problem… and I mean that literally. Not only does it look amazing –the anamorphic look is definitely there– it’s also the world’s smalles anamorphic lens. Sirui really know what videographers and filmmakers want these days.

Check out this video on my YouTube channel containing tons of footage and even a short film.


The Sirui 35mm 1.6x Anamorphic Lens

An anamorphic lens is a type of lens that allows a wider aspect ratio to be captured than what is normally possible with a standard spherical lens. Anamorphic lenses stretch the image horizontally resulting in a wider, more cinematic aspect ratio. This full-frame Sirui 35mm has a squeeze ratio of 1.6 which a great because it makes everything look more anamorphic compared to a 1.33 squeeze for example.

Anamorphic Flares

Now, the anamorphic look is difficult to describe. Anamorphic lenses are often used to create the distinctive "stretched" oval bokeh that is common in movies, and they can also create a shallow depth of field.

It also cause the image to distort and creates very smooth transitions from in focus to out of focus objects. Overall, it makes your image look a bit softer and more organic. And basically everything an anamorphic lens should have, the Sirui 35mm 1.6x anamorphic has it… but there’s more…

Sirui 35mm 1.6x anamorphic lens for full-frame cameras

The world’s smallest anamorphic lens

What makes this lens so unique is that it’s the world’s smallest full-frame anamorphic lens for full-frame cameras and that makes it so much fun to use because typically, anamorphic lenses are big and heavy and difficult to use.


The only issue still to solve is the minimum focusing distance. For this lens, the minimum focusing distance is 0.9 meters so you can’t get nice close up shots without using diopters or focus filters. I’ve picked up a cheap set and it works great but it’s still kind of a hassle since you have to switch diopters all the time.

But all in all, the Sirui 35mm 1.6x anamorphic lens for full-frame cameras is by far my favorite one of these “cheaper” anamorphic that are hitting the market in recent years. You won’t be disappointed.