7 Photos of Budget Hotel Rooms in Laos


Here's part 2 of The Hotel Room Project. After two months of traveling India, arriving in Laos felt amazing. No crowds, no more constant honking of cars and a relaxing vibe all around. What a difference! We also did some amazing things; Wat Phu in Champassak being the most memorable experience.

Same goes for the hotels and guesthouses in Laos actually. The quality of the rooms is consistently good and  overall there was more space to relax. Whether it was a nice and spacious room or a cosy communal area to have a drink. Everything felt more inviting to stay in if we didn't feel like going out. For most hotels and guesthouses in India that was a different experience, although not a bad one.

We were in Laos for 20 days and didn't have any weird or negative encounters after booking a guesthouse and the people were all friendly and willing to help with everything. 

Luang Prabang

Lakangthong 2 Friendly House • $15.00 / night

Guesthouse Luang Prabang.

We loved Luang Prabang and could've easily stayed longer than 3 nights. Lakangthong 2 Friendly House was the perfect place to stay as Luang Prabang can be expensive. It's walking distance from the centre and has a nice vibe. The room was spacious and downstairs there was a nice open communal area. 

Vang Vieng

Maylyn Guest House • $15.00 / night

Vang Vieng Guesthouse.

Vang Vieng itself was not memorable for us. Some dusty streets with lots of bars, restaurants and coffeeshops. The surroundings on the other hand are amazing and the best thing we did was exploring by motorbike. 

Maylyn Guesthouse is just within walking distance but we'd recommend a motorbike or bicycle. The rooms are situated in a lush garden and here also there's a nice communal area where all the guests come to have a drink or eat something. Oh, the puppies were definitely a plus!

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Thawee Guesthouse • $16.30 / night

Vientiane Guesthouse.

We only booked two nights in Vientiane because we heard the city would not be interesting. Well, we actually liked the capital of Laos and Thawee guesthouse was the perfect place to stay. I think you can't have a better accommodation for the price in Vientiane. It was one of the more basic rooms we had, which is often the case in bigger cities but the location was perfect to explore this unusual capital. 


Xaycharoen Guesthouse • $15.00 / night

Thekek Guesthouse.

What can I say about Thakek? Not too much actually. There's nothing to do except a motorbike loop that starts here. The town is quiet and boring but that's probably why we liked it. We spent a day just walking around and enjoying some beers on a terrace next to the Mekong River. Sometimes that's all it needs to have a good time. 

This guesthouse is actually not the best one to do that. Although the rooms were super nice and spacious, it's far away from the centre. It's next to the bus station which is convenient if you just want to spend a night on your way to Savannakhet or Pakse.  There's no other option than taking a tuk tuk when you want to go to the centre of town.


Joli Guesthouse • $13.00 / night

SAvannakhet Guesthouse.

Similar story here. A quiet and relaxed town next to the Mekong River. Nothing much to do again but exploring and enjoying some drinks and food and Joli Guesthouse was amazing! An enormous room and bathroom and a host that literally didn't stop working to make you feel at home.

Savannakhet is also where we visited the amazing and spectacular dinosaur museum.


Oulayvanh Guesthouse • $17.80 / night

Pakse Hotel Room.

Pakse is not the place to just relax and sit on your butt all day long. Best thing to do is rent a motorbike and explore temples and waterfalls. We visited the amazing Wat Phu and Tad Yuang Waterfall. 

Oulayvanh was just a basic hotel/guesthouse. The room didn't have a window -which we don't like- but because we were out most of the time that didn't bother us and it was clean and comfortable. A nice restaurant and superb motorbike rental nearby.

Don Det

Souksan Sunset Bungalows • $17.80 / night

Forgot to take a proper picture so here's an iPhone pic.

Forgot to take a proper picture so here's an iPhone pic.

From hopping around on a motorbike all day long back to relaxing and doing nothing.  Don Det might be the best place for that in Laos. We tried to be active one day though and explored the island by bicycle. 

The bungalows here were basic but the views on the Mekong River from the balcony were spectacular.

Did you have any memorable hotel room experiences? Let us know in the comments!